The host of stock plugins found in FL Studio are available both inside and outside the box, meaning that users of different DAW’s can purchase and install them into their DAW of choice. It has three independent filters, 13 filter types and some of the presets and patches such as the ‘depth-charge’ preset were even created by the likes of deadmau5, amongst others. Labeled as a ‘hybrid synthesizer’ it offers frequency modulation, ring modulation and subtractive synthesis. One of my personal favorites in the full version synth bundle is called Sytrus. The synths available through the FL Studio software are second to none and are highly regarded throughout the production industry as some of the best synth VST’s on the market, being able to create rich and immersive sounds from the ground up.
These include Sawer, Harmor, PoiZone, Sakura, Toxic Biohazard and Harmless to name just a few. FL Studio comes with a plethora of professional-grade synths.